Thanks to everyone who supports small businesses. We really really appreciate your business, lots more than the mall does...
Yay, a new year is here. So many friends and family members were hit with layoffs and health issues in 2009, not to mention the strife and dissension that goes hand-in-hand with trying to keep one step ahead the fire.
So with that, now is the time make new resolves, and step back to take a little time for renewal.
One of my many resolutions is to dress how I want to without regard of the occasion. My morning French-press coffee and cereal will start with Edith Piaf and Francoise Hardy. Work attire will include opera length pearls, layers and layers of jet, and exaggerated crystal lariats, just a bit over the top. The
boutique will reflect my love of the Moulin Rouge, speakeasies, and the likes of 1920s secret gin joints filled with offbeat characters. The apparel will be a fabulous, handmade and original.
I vow to actively explore Portland's underbelly to uncover glorious finds of vintage jewelry, old beads, original Italian Murano glass, and shoe clips and painstakingly remake each piece with my own signature and exotic gemstones.
And I vow to show up at the PTA spaghetti feed wearing beads, sequins, and feathers. Yes, soon I will be that eccentric "lay-dee" with the pearls and fancy cloak, all just a bit before my nephews starting me their crazy Aunt Anne. And I want to do it all with a playful smile. This month’s Vogue Germany goes all the way back to the 1920s with “Indochine.” Fashion editor Christine Arp and photographer Alexi Lubomirski take the moment and capture my dream.
My daily style will reflect more cinematic drama, intrigue and allure... all before pouring my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Hope your new decade is filled with celebration, art and adornment.